A number of after death startups are offering embalming services in Delhi. For transporting a body from Delhi to another country you need embalming. It is also done to preserve bodies for dissecting in medical colleges. If a severely damaged body has to be displayed publicity embalming service is certainly required.
Embalming Charges
The cost of the embalming procedure depends on the condition of the body. For a visitation ceremony, the face is also improved aesthetically. The amount charged by an embalmer differs between Rs. 8,000 to Rs. 25, 000 approximately. The cash is deposited on the counter or online as per the requirements of the Embalming service in Delhi.
The hospital or mortuary responsible for the process will verify the below documents –
1. Consent form filled by the guardian.
2. Postmortem report (in case a crime was conducted).
3. NOC (no objection certificate).
4. A photo ID of the deceased person.
5. Medical records (if the deceased had a communicable disease)
6. Embassy-High commission requisition form (only when the person is not an Indian citizen).
7. Payment Receipt
You must have all these documents for the embalming to get started. After the completion of the procedure, the embalmers will provide you with an embalming certificate.