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People after death want to be remembered in a certain way. They pre-book a stylist coffin box in advance and spend extravagant amount of money to make their last rites memorable.
If you want to personalize your loved ones coffin box in Delhi here are some unique options –
1. Gold Coffin – You can buy a 24K coated coffin box with intricate designing on the front. It will give your funeral a lavish feel. The other popular choices are – silver, platinum, copper, bronze and stainless steel.
2. Musical Coffin – For music lovers there are a lot of alternative available. You can go for a karaoke style box that plays music when opened. It has a karaoke machine inside the lid of the coffin.
The coffin designs are also available in form of favorite musical instruments of the dead person to display their love for a particular genre of music.
3. Exotic Coffin – In Accra, Ghana the coffin are shaped in untraditional design to celebrate the beautiful ending of life. Their elegant design range includes coffins that look similar to animals, vehicles, cold drink, shoes, legendary creature, etc.
This list will help you decide the coffin box that you would prefer for your funeral. With customizable coffin and caskets you become accountable for every detail.