Choosing the Inter-city dead body transport service
September 8, 2018
How to Transport a Dead Body Transport by Air?
September 19, 2018

Dead Body Transport to India From Foreign Country


If your relative or family member died in another country transferring the mortal remain can be a long and complex process.
Here is a brief guide to dead body shifting to India –
1. Register the death at the respective Indian post/ mission by submitting the below documents.
a. Death certificate
b. Detailed police report (in English)
c. Consent letter from the family for transportation
d. Copy of visa
e. Copy of passport
2. Along with these you also require clearance from the immigration department. In some of the case embalming is necessary for deadbody transport. If the reason of death is unnatural you might be permitted to take the body until the local investigation is completed. The procedures involved differ from place to place.
3. If there is no relative, friend or acquaintance for facilitating the transportation, you can take the assistance of the Indian Embassy. The officials at the embassy will ship-out the deceased loved one on your behalf. You have to provide them with the necessary information to prove he/ she belongs to you.
4. When the mortal remains can’t be brought to India some of the countries allow you to perform the burial/ crematory with the content of the legal heir of the body.
The only mode of transportation over such long distances is deadbody flight. The above procedure takes two to four weeks. You must remain in the authorities during the entire process to know the progress.